Stallholder Guidelines and Rules


  • We are a farmers, makers & artisan market. Please note we don’t accept bookings for the sale of second hand items.
  • New Stallholders are requested to apply to for a stall by emailing the Market Manager at
  • All applications must be received at least 7 days prior to a market, with approval and registration issued to the Stallholder before market attendance.
  • Stall applications must provide a copy of their Product and Public Liability Insurance (minimum of $10,000,000 coverage for Public Liability Insurance) Certificate of Currency (if not insured stall holders must purchase Public Liability Insurance from the markets Group Plan Cover – see Fee Schedule) and for food stalls Streatrader Statement of Trade and Streatrader Certificate of Registration (if applicable).
  • Fees must be paid via bank deposit within five business days of the stall application being approved or the site may be re-allocated. All stall bookings and fees must be received by 10 days before the market date. A receipt will be issued on the market day upon request. Cash payment on market days is only accepted with prior confirmation by the Market Manager.
  • Prices of goods must be clearly displayed. If you have multiple items in a small space (IE: jewellery) and you don’t wish to tag each piece you must display a price range (IE: $20 to $45)
  • Stallholders are only to sell items that are listed on their Stallholders Application Form, unless authorized in writing by the Market Manager prior to a market to extend their range.
  • Stalls cannot be transferred, sublet, franchised or sold to any other person, nor can they be shared without written approval from the Market Manager prior to the market day.
  • Stallholders are responsible for complying with all laws, rules and regulations relating to the goods offered for sale.
  • Cancellation / Non-attendance: To ensure customer expectations are met, Stallholders are required to provide at least 5 days notice if unable to attend a market, in order to allow time for management to find a suitable replacement vendor. If a Stallholder advises management of an inability to attend the market by 10am on the Monday preceding the market date, the fee paid will be credited towards a later market. If notice of non attendance is received after 10am on the Monday preceding the market date the fee paid will be immediately forfeited.
  • Stall sizes are strictly 3m x 3m. The stall space is defined by the Market Manager. Booking of space and positioning of stallholders is the responsibility of the Market Manager.
  • Marquees are a requirement and must include adequate marquee weights on all marquee legs and preferably in the middle of the marquee as well. Stallholders are liable for any damage caused by marquees or any other equipment.
  • Car movement within the market must be done with care and consideration of the public. The driver shall be totally and legally responsible for the parking and movement of the vehicle. For reasons of safety, vehicles must not move within the market area between 9.15am until 2.05pm on market day, unless the Market Manager closes the market earlier for any reason.
  • Stallholder’s noise levels are not to be disruptive to other market participants. Stallholders are not to play music.
  • Stallholders must maintain their stalls in a clean and tidy manner at all times. Stall holders are responsible for the removal & disposal of their own rubbish, packaging and recyclable materials and must ensure the site is left clean. Waste bins will be provided for customer use only.
  • Stallholders cooking food must ensure the asphalt is adequately covered to avoid staining. If the stall site asphalt is left stained there will be a charge for cleaning.
  • Power: 15 and 10amp outlets are available for a limited number of sites. Stallholders are responsible for supplying their own complying electrical extension lead. Individual Stallholders may be allowed to use their own generator if it is silent, but details must be in their application. Power usage requirements need to be supplied in the application – Eg type of equipment, wattage required, plugs required 10AMP/15AMP and amount of plugs required.
  • Electrical Requirements:
    1. All electrical equipment and extension leads must be tested and tagged once every 12 months at a minimum.
    2. Stallholders with multiple leads must plug those leads into the market power box individually. Do not have power boards with multiple leads in it in the stall space.
    3. Extension leads joined between the switchboard and the stall must be protected by a ‘socket box’ and must be outdoor quality leads.
    4. Electrical switchboard cabinets will be closed but not locked after leads are plugged in.
  • Generator use: locate away from public access and meet appropriate fire extinguisher requirements. The generator must be silent.
  • Gas appliances: Stallholders must ensure that all gas appliances are approved and in date. Stallholders using gas appliances must complete the ESV (Energy Safe Victoria) self-check-list prior to trading at each market and present it if inspected by a representative from ESV.
  • Food Handlers Licence: (Food sellers) All prepared or value added food must be prepared in a registered kitchen and operated in accordance with the requirements of the local Health Act. This includes labelling in accordance with Australian Food Standards. Registration details must be provided with the application. Streatrader Registration and a Statement of Trade from Streatrader is essential for food and beverage handling stalls.
  • Food coverings must meet Health Regulations. This includes all stalls offering food or beverage samples on market day.
  • Stallholders can report unruly customers to the Market Manger.
  • In the event of any issue between Stallholders the matter must immediately be reported directly to the Market Manager. Stallholders are not to approach another stallholder directly or indirectly in regards to a grievance.
  • Any Stallholders causing disruption at the Market will have their stall closed down immediately and may not be allowed to attend future markets.
  • If a Stallholder feels they have been unfairly treated by the Market Manager and the matter cannot be resolved they can lodge a formal written compliant with The President at PORA. PO Box 86, Park Orchards. Vic 3114.
  • The Market Manager reserves the right to refuse admission to the Market to any person and to eject or cause to be ejected any person and or his/her goods and chattels without giving any reason. This decision is final and binding.
  • The Market Manager shall not be liable to any person using these premises for any personal injury or loss or damage howsoever arising whether by negligence or otherwise of the Market Manager or its servants, or incurred or suffered by that person.
  • In the event that weather or other circumstances prevent the Market Manager from staging a market, the Market Manager will endeavour to advise Stallholders as early as possible via email notification. In such circumstances, the Market will not be responsible for any loss incurred by Stallholders and Stallholder Fees will be credited to the next available market date.
  • In the event of a day of Total Fire Ban being declared for the Central District for Extreme or Code Red Days or Severe Weather, the Park Orchards Market will not operate. In the event of a cancellation through this or other weather/emergency issues all monies will be held in credit for the respective stallholders to be used for hire for subsequent markets.
  • Heat Policy: Market will close one hour early if management deems the outside temperature is extreme.
  • Smoking is prohibited on the market site and within 10 meters of the entrance.
  • COVIDSafe requirements:
  • All stall holders are required to have their own COVIDSafe Plan applicable to their stall area only. Please have a copy with you on market day to show to a Government official if asked to do so.
  • The stall holder shall indemnify the Park Orchards Market, the Market Manager, market staff, market volunteers & the Park Orchards Ratepayers Association for any and all losses suffered by the Park Orchards Market due to the stall holders breach of the Stall Holder Guidelines & Rules including but not limited to:
    • any fine received by the Park Orchards Market, the Market Manager, market staff, market volunteers & the Park Orchards Ratepayers Association from WorkSafe, the Victoria Police or any other Government body or authority.
    • any injury or harm suffered by Park Orchards Market, the Market Manager, market staff, market volunteers, the Park Orchards Ratepayers Association or the patrons of the market.
    • any legal costs on a full indemnity, solicitor-client basis incurred by Park Orchards Market, the Market Manager, market staff, market volunteers & the Park Orchards Ratepayers Association as a result of the stall holders breach of these Guidelines & Rules